The Cornerstones of People Management

People Management is the collection of strategies employed by companies to develop their human capital. Human Resources actions are exercised since the attraction of the best professionals possible and include their development, retention and motivation to carry out their functions.

1º Cornerstone: Motivation
2º Cornerstone: Communication Process
3º Cornerstone: Team Work
4º Cornerstone: Knowledge and expertise

Success will not be possible in case the employers don’t have the knowledge and competence to execute their tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to make a plan that seeks to assemble the best team possible and create an environment where everybody can thrive together. This building process involves the selection process and the construction of a strong culture of values.

For that matter, it is ideal to maintain the practices of management per skills – identifying the employees’ strong suits and improvement opportunities- and of feedback, which makes it possible to give a response for every action of the members of the team.

Practical tips on how to improve skills in your company’s people management

Practice Skills-Based Performance Assessment – To this end, define the main skills of your organization and of specific areas, specify weights for the most important skills and carry out the assessment periodically.

Carry out a rigorous (and transparent) selection process – One of the worst things that can happen is putting a person into your company that is not aligned with your values or with what your company does on a daily basis. Therefore, be as honest as possible with respect to salary, working hours, possible extra hours and pressure level. Don’t be contempt to hire ordinary people. Only hire extraordinary people.

Carry out a continuous training and development process – With the knowledge of what is most important, it is worthwhile to organize trainings from time to time. To this end, make use of the Automec reports and of our University – Ensino EAD Pontual (Distance Learning Pontual). Remember that the trainings can be carried out by someone on your team (“for free”).

What are performance indicators?

Performance indicators are essential management tools for measuring a store’s results. With them it is possible to monitor whether goals set in your cash-flow are being achieved and what is the percentage of improvement or worsening with respect to past financial indicators.

To sum up, in order to improve it is necessary to measure and you can use several different indicators. See below indicators classified with respect to your objective or related to a specific area of the business.

Classification of the performance indicators

One possible classification of the performance indicators is the following:

Strategic performance indicators

Quality performance indicators

Strategic Indicators

This strategy can provide a broad vision of the more general objectives and goals of the company, as well as allowing the comparison of previous actions with current results.

Quality Indicators

Normally, quality is connected to the conformity or not of a product or service delivered and, with that, it allows you to observe flaws in the processes of production, management or provision of a service. In the case of a construction material store, the quality could be measured by a satisfaction survey.

Examples of performance indicators for specific areas within companies

On the other hand, there are indicators that are essential for some specific areas of a company. See below some examples of indicators for certain sectors that are important in the management of an organization:

Revenue – Expenses – Profit or Loss – Profitability

Success rate in sales (quantity of successful sales divided by the quantity of negotiations)
– Sales funnel – Revenue per salesperson – Revenue per region – Revenue per sale

Finally, it is safe to say that the indicators have the objective of extracting from data and results its broadest meaning with the aim of supporting the business progress and the follow-up of the strategic planning, bringing the desired results in a short or long term.

Use AUTOMEC and our reports, they can assist you in the decision-making!